Becoming a Community Artist


Hello, this page was inspired by an email from a young aspiring artist who was asking for advice on becoming community arts worker. The following is an answer to her enquiry but thought it may be of general interest to anyone with a similar ambition.

hello Rhiannon, Thank you for your kind comments on my work. I have been a freelance community artist since 2001 and the work you’ve seen on the website was made over that period. I’m glad you want to work in community arts. The focus is different from fine art though, public participation is the main aim, encouraging the often unskilled participants to have a go and to enjoy creating without anxiety. 
There is a community arts magazine to subscribe to where jobs are advertised , Mailout.

I started as a volunteer and did some training with my local company at the time, having semi retired from a teaching career. The way to go is to generate a network of work and creative contacts, to develop your own workshop projects aimed at particular age or ability groups and to continue your own art practice.

I recommend you read "Engineers of the Imagination" by Tony Coult and Baz Kershaw, as it contains much practical and historical information about the development of Welfare State International, one of the founding companies involved in the Community Art movement.